Smart Search


Create highly customized lists of your most important leads in seconds with an advanced search engine for your entire contact database.


Smart Search is your own robust, yet simple to use search feature allowing you to segment ALL YOUR CONTACTS into prioritized lists based on the search criteria that are most important to your business at a given time.

Smart Search puts total control in your hands by allowing you to use a number of search options at the same time to find the exact leads who require your attention most urgently.

You’ll see how to quickly find your HIGHEST PRIORITY LEADS to ensure that you’re spending your precious follow-up time as wisely as possible…and never miss a lead opportunity again!

Examples of Powerful Smart Searches

Search for high priority leads or customers based on their Contact Status (hot, warm, etc.), closing stages accomplished, products purchased, tags, types of interaction with you and your Facebook page(s), certain posts or ads, sorted by time, and so much more.  

  • Want to find everyone who commented on your current Facebook ads within the last week?
  • How about anyone who you had a phone call with over the last 30 days?
  • Who are your warm or hot leads that have progressed to a certain stage in your follow-up and closing process?
  • Can you see everyone who you’ve tagged as “Shared Pricing” over the last month that hasn’t bought a product yet?

You know best how you want to search, segment, or filter your contacts based on what you have going on in your business. Smart Search is the easy way for you to do that, so you can always find your highest priority leads and follow-up with them within seconds.

Smart Search lists offer an easily scannable bird’s-eye view of the status of a lead for high-quality decision making at a glance.

The results are always ranked in order of priority by Smart Score.

TIP #1 – If you don’t have a good idea of who your best leads are off the top of your head, click on the SFL (Super Fan Leads) button in the SMART LINKS area of the main dashboard in LeadKlozer. This will bring up a Smart Search list of your highest rated leads. Pick 5 contacts to follow-up with from that list to get started.

TIP #2 – Remember that boosted posts from your Facebook page(s) are considered by Facebook to be actual ads, so you will not find Smart Search results for boosted posts under “POSTS,” but under “ADS” in the Facebook Smart Search column.

TIP #3 – You can export your Smart Search results to create Custom Audiences in your Facebook ad account for retargeting. Please refer to this article for details on how you can do that.

Smart Search Demo Video


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